Medical Negligence

What is medical negligence?

Everyone is entitled to the highest standard of care when they are receiving medical treatment.  Luckily, this doesn’t happen very often but sometimes you actually be injured by the negligent medical treatment.

Medical negligence can lead to the following:-

  • Birth trauma claims
  • Surgery claims
  • Cosmetic surgery claims
  • Other medical claims


When do these situations arise?

  • When a patient has been misdiagnosed.
  • When an error has been made during some kind of surgery.
  • When an illness or disease has been missed.
  • When a patient has been treated in a manner that is lower than the expected standard.
  • When a serious illness or damage has been caused by some medical care given to the patient.
  • When a pre-existing condition is worsened or exacerbated by the negligent care provided.


In order to bring a case for medical negligence, there must be failure on the part of the negligent party to give sufficient care to protect the health of the patient.   Negligent actions can be made by a number of different parties, including the following:-

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Psychiatrists
  • Medical consultants
  • Physiotherapists
  • Psychologists
  • Plastic surgeons
  • Opticians
  • Lab technicians
  • Medical facilities
  • Administrators

How do you prove a medical negligence case?

There are a few requirements to succeed in a case of medical negligence and the following items are generally applicable to each case:-

  • The injury must have been avoidable if the medical care given was at the highest standard available.
  • There must be proof of a patient/doctor (medical professional) relationship.
  • The care given must have been negligent.

So you must be able to prove that this kind of relationship existed while the injury was caused, that the care was negligent and the care contributed to the injury sustained.

If you think you may be in a position to bring a claim for medical negligence, complete the form below and we’ll call you back to discuss whether you have a case.

In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.


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